AI Maze Generator

Create and solve custom mazes online with our easy-to-use tool. Generate, download, and share random maze puzzles in any size or color.
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AI Maze Generator


AI Maze Generator is an online tool that allows users to create, solve, and download random maze puzzles in various sizes and colors. By entering specific parameters, users can generate unique maze designs using advanced algorithms. The tool is user-friendly and accessible, making it suitable for both casual users and game designers.


  1. Custom Maze Creation

    Users can input specifications such as wall thickness, columns, rows, and maze entries to generate a custom maze. This feature allows for a high degree of personalization in maze design.

  2. Random Maze Generation

    The tool enables users to create random mazes by simply adjusting the number of columns, rows, and maze entries. This feature is ideal for those looking for quick and unique maze layouts.

  3. Solving Mazes

    Users can solve generated mazes either manually or by utilizing the A* search algorithm, which finds the shortest path through the maze. This dual functionality enhances the user experience.

  4. Downloadable Maze Templates

    Once a maze is generated, users can download it as an image file for further editing or printing. This feature is useful for educators, game designers, and puzzle enthusiasts.

  5. Color Customization

    The tool offers a color palette for users to select background, maze, and solve colors, allowing for visually appealing maze designs.

  6. Batch Generation

    Users can generate multiple mazes at once, which is beneficial for creating a series of puzzles for games or educational purposes.

How to Use?

  1. Input your desired specifications for wall thickness, columns, rows, and maze entries.
  2. Adjust the bias to control the complexity of the maze.
  3. Click the "Generate Maze" button to create your custom maze.
  4. Use the A* search algorithm to find the shortest path through the maze.
  5. Download the maze image for printing or further editing.


How do I create my own maze?

To create your own maze, input the specifications such as wall thickness, columns, rows, and maze entries, then click the "Generate Maze" button.

How to randomly generate a maze?

Specify the number of columns, rows, and maze entries, adjust the bias, and click the "Generate Maze" button to create a random maze.

How to do a maze?

You can create a maze by following the creation steps or solve it manually or using the A* search algorithm provided on the site.

Is maze free to use?

Yes, the maze generator is free to use.

Is maze good for the brain?

Yes, working through mazes can enhance problem-solving skills, spatial reasoning, and logical thinking.


The AI Maze Generator is free to use.

The price is for reference only, please refer to the latest official data for actual information.


  1. The AI Maze Generator effectively allows users to create and solve mazes with ease, making it a valuable tool for both casual users and game designers.
  2. The customization options for maze parameters and colors enhance user engagement and creativity.
  3. However, the reliance on JavaScript may limit accessibility for users with certain browser settings or those using devices that do not support it.
  4. The tool could benefit from additional features, such as tutorials or examples of maze designs, to assist new users in maximizing its potential.

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