AI Insult Master Goes Viral: 4 Million Users "Roasted to Tears" Sparks Debate

Deep within human nature lies an inexplicable urge to criticize, causing one to marvel at its peculiarity and complexity.

Twitter Robert has recently gone viral, reaching over 4 million users in just 11 days since launch, with peak traffic of 106,000 users per hour. This product called Wordware is an IDE platform that allows building AI Agents using natural language. Twitter Robert is an AI Agent that calls Claude, claiming to "discover your Twitter personality."

Users only need to input their Twitter account, and it will analyze tweets and use LLM to analyze personality. The open-source project quickly became popular after being released simultaneously on Product Hunt and Twitter, exceeding the developers' expectations.

Robert's evaluations of celebrities are quite distinctive:

On Musk: "Your Twitter is like the Cybertruck prototype: full of broken promises and sharp edges that shouldn't be there." "You're so obsessed with Mars, but have you considered that even a barren, lifeless planet might find your personality a bit much?"

On Trump: "A man who turned being president into a reality TV show" "Your vocabulary is that of a fifth-grader, but your ego is inflated to the size of a thousand suns."

On Taylor Swift: "The queen of turning breakups into revenue streams" "Your exes should be getting royalties for inspiring half your songs."

The viral spread of Twitter Robert caused servers to crash. Despite its popularity, the project is losing significant money daily due to high costs. The developers say they will continue operations but need to find a profitable model.