The Balance Point Between Artificial Intelligence and Humans

As artificial intelligence continues to advance, the existing economic structure and division of labor system will face significant challenges. In this process of transformation, the collapse of the old order and the reconstruction of a new order will occur simultaneously. The final outcome will depend on the balance point reached between artificial intelligence and humans.

The boundary between AI and humans is fluid and can be understood through OpenAI's five-level AI system:

Level 1 AI: Chatbots. AI can converse with humans but only serves as a productivity tool. The boundary lies in humans not doing what AI can do, such as certain levels of programming and writing.

Level 2 AI: Robots that reason and solve real problems. They can reason and solve problems independently. The boundary is that most functional white-collar jobs no longer need humans, such as recruitment and finance.

Level 3 AI: AI agents. They comprehensively perceive the physical world and take actions to solve problems. The boundary is that both white-collar and physical jobs no longer need humans, and streets might be filled with robots.

Level 4 AI: Innovators. They can achieve innovation in specific directions. The boundary is that white-collar jobs with basic innovative attributes no longer need humans.

Level 5 AI: Organizers. They can be responsible for organizing and coordinating work, taking on executive and CEO roles. The boundary is that most companies don't need human managers, as they are taken over by AI. Humans must migrate to new domains.

This is the process of humans gradually withdrawing from the existing economic system. After level five, the AI world overlaps with the human world, and humans need to stand on the edge of the world. Everyone can find their place among infinite categories.

The future social form may have five outcomes: Golden Age, Virtual World, Cold Balance, Cyborgs, and Great Extinction. The result depends on our choices, and the foundation of these choices is value judgments based on cultural origins.

This is a chaotic era. Humans have the ability to usher in a golden age, but risks also exist. The direction of the world will become more subjective, and choices will determine outcomes.