AI Autonomous Design: UBC Chinese Scholar Proposes ADAS, Significantly Improving Mathematical Abilities

Researchers at the University of British Columbia in Canada have developed an artificial intelligence autonomous evolution system called ADAS.

AI gaining the power of self-design will have significant impacts. Researchers have proposed a new system called "Agent Design Automation System" (ADAS), allowing meta-agents to automatically construct powerful AI peers using search algorithms.

The ADAS system includes three key components:

  1. Search space: defines all possible agent systems that ADAS can create

  2. Search algorithm: the method ADAS uses to find excellent agent designs in the search space

  3. Evaluation function: used to judge the quality or performance of created agents

Researchers proposed the "meta-agent search" algorithm to implement this idea. At its core, it uses foundation models as meta-agents to iterate new agents based on an ever-expanding database. In theory, meta-agents can program any possible building blocks and agent systems from scratch.

In experiments, meta-agent search performed excellently in multiple benchmarks:

  • Outperformed SOTA manually designed agents in the ARC challenge
  • Significantly surpassed manually designed agents in reading comprehension and mathematics
  • Also outperformed baselines in multi-task and scientific domains

This research demonstrates the potential for automatically designing increasingly powerful agent systems, opening new directions for AGI development. The ability of AI to self-design and iterate may accelerate the progress of AI technology.

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