Foreign Player's Marvel Superhero Team Created with Flux Fine-Tuning Goes Viral

Flux combined with LoRA technology is pushing AI image generation into a new stage.

Flux has taken the open-source AI world by storm, becoming a popular alternative to Midjourney in just two weeks since its release. Developers are now fine-tuning LoRA models with their own photos to create multiple personalized styles.

The emergence of Flux marks a new era in AI image generation. Even Elon Musk commented that it's becoming difficult to distinguish between real and AI-generated images.

A hyper-realistic photo of a TED speaker generated with Flux went viral online. Soon after, Grok 2 integrated the Flux model and removed safety restrictions, leading to widespread experimentation.

Flux developers have also started fine-tuning their own LoRA models. A HuggingFace co-founder remarked that Flux has completely dominated the open-source AI scene, with an unprecedented number of derivative models, online platforms, and demos trending simultaneously.

One developer who fine-tuned a model stated that "Flux+LoRA will disrupt the generative AI market. You can generate different versions of yourself anywhere, wearing anything you like."

Examples include transforming oneself into Superman, a Jedi knight, an ice sculpture, a fashion model, and more - all achievable with simple text prompts.

Fine-tuning personal LoRA models has become a popular activity among developers. The internet is now flooded with Flux+LoRA creations.

Rowan Cheung, founder of Rundown AI, trained a LoRA model on Flux using his own photos, then animated the results with Runway. He generated images of himself as a TED speaker, Superman, and a runway model, bringing them to life with animation.

Cheung believes that while AI-generated images can't fully replace movies or commercials yet, they have many important use cases, especially for content creators. For example, they can be used for news preview images, article illustrations, and B-roll footage in short videos.

The ability to generate diverse personalized images has led some to joke about creating their own "Avengers team" using just themselves in different styles.

This technology opens up new creative possibilities, allowing individuals to visualize themselves in various scenarios and styles with unprecedented ease and realism.