Visual Filters
Translate your thoughts into perfect keywords using our intuitive Visual Filter, helping you refine your imagination and articulate your vision effectively.
AI Powered Prompts
Enhance your prompts using advanced AI models like OpenAI or Gemini, igniting your creativity and generating compelling, high-quality prompts.
Image to AI Text Prompt
Upload or right-click any image to instantly generate an AI Text Prompt or ask questions about the image, bridging the gap between visual inspiration and textual description.
Prompts Library
Access a vast collection of prompt ideas crafted by the creative community, providing endless inspiration for your projects.
Team Management
Efficiently manage device licenses with the built-in License Manager, streamlining administration and control for team-based usage.
Bookmark Feature
Quickly access your favorite filters with one-click bookmarking, optimizing your workflow and saving valuable time.
Digital Magazine
Stimulate your imagination with a curated selection of stunning images handpicked from the PromptsGenii community.