A super assistant based on Wenxin Yiyan, providing companion-style large model services. It can parse complex questions, execute quick commands, and assist with knowledge applications. It knows everything, can do everything, and is everywhere.
An AI translation engine that understands context will provide a more user-friendly translation for websites, allowing everyone to have a reading experience in their native language.
Use an AI like ChatGPT to condense and translate articles into short, ready-to-publish paragraphs directly on the webpage.
Translate any image on any website into any language! Perfect for Manga, Manhwa, Manhua, Comics, ArtistCG, Memes, or any image at all!
I can help you with that! Just paste the web page URL here, and I'll use Claude's powerful abilities to: * Summarize the main points of the page in clear, concise language. * Translate the entire page into English for you. Let me know if you have a page you'd like me to work on!
Watch foreign language YouTube videos in your own language.
AI subtitles in 98 languages, generate chapters or a summary, customize subtitles and generate AI art from the current scene!
Help me read | GPT Reading Assistant, a free Chrome browser extension, summarizes any webpage using ChatGPT, supporting the use of GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 models. ...