Vast Prompt Library
PromptForge offers thousands of well-organized and searchable prompts, covering various categories such as SEO, Copywriting, and Marketing.
Multi-Platform Support
The platform supports multiple AI technologies, including ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and more, providing users with flexibility in their AI interactions.
Custom Prompt Creation
Users can create and save their own prompts for future use, enhancing productivity and efficiency in their AI-assisted tasks.
Browser Extension
PromptForge is accessible through a browser extension, allowing for seamless integration with supported AI platforms.
Data Preservation
All user-created prompts, likes, shares, and collections are stored in the user's profile on, ensuring long-term access to curated prompts and data.
Language Settings
Users can adjust language settings from the prompt page, app settings, or directly within supported AI platforms for a customized experience.
Daily Free Uses
PromptForge leverages daily free uses of various AI tools, including GPT-4 document reading and DALL-E image generation, maximizing user benefits.