Save any webpage with one click and explore it with AI. Quickly get the main points with AI summaries and find new understandings with AI-powered question and answer.
Videotowords AI provides speech to text, or video to text, using our voice to text recognition and audio to text transcription. We offer free online speech to text, YouTube transcripts, audio to text converters, and video transcriptions. We support 98+ languages.
Let AI take detailed notes of your meetings. Vemo is an AI that understands your conversations. Do you ever have wide-ranging conversations with co-workers and...
Dopamine detox with Doxo by blocking apps, completing positive quests, and earning coins to unlock screen time. Your buddy Doxo will help you put more time into...
Dola: a powerful AI calendar assistant that manages your personal calendar and group calendar by just chatting. Dola turns voice, texts, pictures, and complicated context into schedules. You can also sync Dola with your Google Calendar and Apple Calendar.
Sider transforms your screen into a dynamic interactive hub, powered by leading AI technologies such as ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini. Seamlessly access and interact with these powerful AI assistants directly from your desktop.
Give our bots instructions, and they will explore and engage with websites to collect and arrange useful information for you.