Generates new versions of resumes to match keywords and important skills in a job description using AI
Apply to millions of jobs with 1 click! Find jobs, apply in seconds & track applications. Save 90% time by autofilling applications.
Instantly generate an AI-tailored cover letter for any given job post — all with a single click!
Toolquix: Elevate your social media presence with our comprehensive SMM panel. Access likes, followers, shares, and more for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and Telegram. Trusted by thousands for fast, reliable, and high-quality social media services.
Legal AI like nothing else on the market. Get Started “>”>Trusted by lawyers to solve thousands of legal challenges monthly. AI Law provides you with top-quality legal work without the hassle. No more drafting from scratch—just high-quality results. Complaint Drafting Draft pleadings without the hassle of hours of research. AI Law will assemble a complete lawsuit […]
Get the key information from every webpage. Generate AI-powered notes and save time with Upword.
Create professional websites in seconds with Hocoos AI website builder. Get all the sales and marketing tools to start & grow your online business now.
AiTab new tab page, integrates AI capabilities such as AI Chat, drawing, translation, and integrated ChatGPT components
Enhance your workout and sports routine with the best artificial intelligence workout app that syncs your workouts to music, offers real-time AI coaching. Receive advanced AI coaching and tracking from an AI workout planner. Explore fitness AI with the freebeat AI workout app!